Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Prop 8 Final Arguments Day Update continuing

Terry Stewart - San Francisco city attorney up now.
...the serious harm that Proposition 8 imposes on lesbian and gay men and their
children, undercut the contention that Proposition 8 is rational. They also support the idea that Proposition 8 was born of animus. Laws that can't be explained by
rational thing give rise to an inference that they are based on prejudice.

From Twitter:
Nearly all black suits in courtroom.

It looks to me like the prop 8 proponents' table is all full of windows laptops.

Stewart and Judge Walker:'s (San Francisco) long been the City of love the city where people leave their hearts. It's a fact of our culture.
JUDGE WALKER: The City of love.

I think the most compelling testimony on that subject was the testimony of Ryan Kendall who showed two things. He talked about and showed the impact of that kind of discrimination on him as an individual and he also testified about some of the effects on society at large, some of the ways in which that harm to him caused
the public to incur costs. And to just lay that out quickly, he testified that when his parents found out that he was gay they were horrified that they believed that being gay is a terrible thing, and that they told him so. And they told him in pretty awful terms that they wished he had never been born that they wished they
had aborted him that they would have rather had a child with a disability than a gay child, and that he would burn in hell.

From Twitter:
Alameda county counsel, clearly uncomfortable, now questioned by Walker on whether marriage apps ask your gender. Walker answers for him.

Walker points out that in SF and Orange marriage license app asks "Groom, Bride" and "other" or "none." Much hilarity in court room.

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