Monday, August 23, 2010

Fighting for the Word

Author Stacy Schiff and NY Times columnist discuss Sarah Palin, Grizzlies and Feminism:
The issue is no longer first-rate intellect, or first-rate temperament, but first-rate opportunity. Which is where the Mama Grizzly business really falls down. An actual grizzly mom is a single mom. She lends a whole new definition to full-time homemaker. If Dad shows up it’s probably to eat the kids. What Mama Grizzly wouldn’t believe in school lunches, health insurance and quality childcare? Who’s going to look after the kids while she’s off hunting? It’s really, really clever to put this powerful vocabulary — pit bulls and grizzlies — in the service of disempowering people. Kind of like death panels in reverse.
When thinking about whether or not Sarah Palin is a feminist, my answer is "no." And I'm irritated that I might have to explain that.

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