Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Palin Reality Show

No, I'm not talking about Sarah Palin's upcoming show on the Discovery channel. I'm talking about the feud between Bristol Palin and Mercedes Johnston (Levi Johnston's sister)that is being played out guessed it...Facebook. And then for all of us not friends of Bristol (she has a fake Facebook name)or Mercedes, it is all documented on Mercedes' blog.

Sadly, I must post video of Palin speaking before the Bowling Proprietor's Association of American annual convention in Las Vegas. Having grown up as a daughter of a bowling proprietor, I'm quite surprised that the BPAA would book Palin as their keynote, given that she's such a polarizing figure. My bluedog Democratic father would most surely have opted out of that event. But it's indicative of what has changed on the political landscape. My father's business was located in a heavily Democratic county and most of his customers were blue-collar, union-affiliated workers. As my father used to say, "When you own a bowling alley, you don't drive a foreign car and you don't vote Republican."

On a much less serious note, what's up with Sarah Palin's wardrobe lately? Apparently, she needs those Republican party stylists back. Notice the short skirts and those crazy red shoes during the interview section of her appearance. That's not even appropriate for guys who hang out in bowling alleys.

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