Saturday, July 17, 2010

In Plain Sight

From The Daily Beast, Ted Haggard's male escort discusses sleeping with clergy:
What I also discovered is that there are usually plenty of clues to be found when someone is doing something on the sly, whether it’s sleeping with male escorts or stealing from their church’s coffers. But people don’t want to know that about their religious leaders. Many want to turn a blind eye, even when the truth is staring them right in the face. When I attended Haggard's New Life Church after the scandal broke, I was amazed to see all the explicitly homoerotic statues and paintings -- sculptures of nude, muscular men all over the place. I also noticed that all the people on stage where Ted would preach were young men -- not a female in sight. I was later told that Ted picked out all the art work and the final decision as to who was on stage lay with him.

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